fredag 28 mars 2008

Rättsröta = Skandal = Stackars barn

Det får inte vara sant, men det är det. Innan Louise är myndig får tydligen vad som helst inträffa utan att myndigheterna agerar utifrån de regelverk som faktiskt finns. Sociallagen, Barnkonventionen, Svensk Lag - ingenting verkar gälla och/eller fungera som skydd för Louise!
Vi måste agera och protestera mot detta på alla sätt vi kan. Skandal är ett lindrigt ord i detta sammanhang. Hur kan någon på allvar mena att en person som utsatt sitt barn för våldtäkt är en lämplig förälder???

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Jag tycker det är så tråkigt.
ett land som Sverige som är så långt utvecklat inom det mesta.hur kan någon människa döma att hennes pappa ska få vårdnaden om henne efter han våldtagit och misshandlat sitt barn

vad är det för pedofilparadis vi skapar här i Sverige???????

jag skäms över Sverige när man kan döma ett sådant här beslut,fy för alla pedofiler.....
vi måste verkligen skärpa straffen för pedofiler och även straffa dem som ger ett sådant här beslut.
dem borde spärras in....
Nu får det räcka...fram med kompetent personal som skärper lagar o straff!!!
jag skulle kunna välta en stort stenblock så arg blir jag när jag läste detta beslut...
Hoppas dem som gav detta beslut sover gött nu om natten när hon ligger i sin säng och skakar av rädsla att hennes pappa ska komma in och våldta henne åter igen...

Anonym sa...

Sverige har lagar som skyddar tjänsteman och som låter politikerna komma undan sitt ansvar.
När det gäller barn finns bara länsstyrelsen som har tillsynsansvar över handlingar, ingen blandar sig i enskilda fall och det finns många tusen enskilda fall i detta samhälle.
Här är ett
What if YOU were me?

I have many names. I'm a maskrosbarn, traumabarn, sammehälle barn. All of them might describe me but none of them were chosen by me. I live far away from my mother and my father doesn't even live in Sweden. My sanctuary, my home is the ”institution” where I was placed in. Though, it's not an institution but a home. Those grownups have become my mother and father despite the fact they're actually not even related to me.

I am a samhälle barn. Social service and some politicians decide where and how I live. People who doesn't know me and know nothing about me can yet calculate how much I cost for the society—and we samhälle barn's are not allowed to cost much. Otherwise these politicians and social workers might have to miss a government paid lunch.

All the promises can be broken and I'm expected to understand that ”they” know what's best for me. They can make decisions about my life without consulting me or hearing my opinion first.

This last social worker seemed alright; I felt like I could trust her. She came to see me couple of times and assured me everything was fine. ”You don't have to worry, you may live here. There won't be any changes.”

It was a great relief for we samhelle barn can never know how long we're allowed to stay anywhere and what support and comfort we'll be given. We live constantly with a knot in stomach, fearing the decisions of social services and never able to truly recover, to heal and get stronger.

Then, on Tuesday that woman called my cell phone in the middle of the school day. ”Now it's decided. You are not allowed to live there any longer. You'll have to learn to live by yourself. It's been decided, we will support you.” I was shocked. I was at school, I had my guitar lessons and everything... I don't know how to live by myself! I'm only 17! I'm in senior high! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!! One phone call and the hope and trust in people had been destroyed. And this wasn't the first time!

There is a law which says ”barnens bästä i centrum”. It says that the child is to be heard and all the decisions are to be made in cooperation with me, my mother and the institution. Why is there such laws when nobody follows them?

Oh, fortunately you're not me and neither is your child. You can sleep your nights in peace. No one will rob you your home and security with one phone call. Fortunately you're not a samhälle barn.

This was written by a mother who, I suppose, isn't a real mother because her child is a samhälle barn. No one has to listen to her, either.

The social service of Haparanda makes arbitrary decisions despite the critique they've gotten. Länsstyrelsen seems to hold no power over this small town's unscrupulous social policy. People who doesn't bother to familiarize themselves with facts or read statements, not to mention to hear the child, are allowed to make illegitimate decisions, offend clients and destroy a life of a minor. How many young lives have already been destroyed?

The politicians of Haparanda, whom this mother have been in contact with, play the game of Three Small Monkeys' started by Sven-Erik Bucht: When you don't listen, look or talk you can say you know nothing. (Monkeys are known to imitate one another.) Afterwards one can wash their hands following the example of known Roman politician, Pilate. These politicians have been elected by citizens! How many citizen want their municipality be led by indifferent people who avoid their responsibilities?

This samhälle barn is Finnish. Maybe that's the reason why they treat her derogatorily, insultingly and contemptuously. Mother begins to be a grinding stone in the social service's large shoe and they want to get rid of her by any means necessary. Even if it means destroying the life of her child.

After all, even as the child is samhälle barn she is Loved and worth of all the help and respect. She has traveled a long and rough road and there is such strength in her that these politicians will never know. They should envy her. The disinterest, the nonchalance way people treat the smallest and most defenceless of our society never cease to amaze!

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